I know it’s the holiday season and all but I couldn’t let the year go by without getting this out - off the cob webs of my mind and out of my forgotten treasure chest. It’s a collection of poems (I like to write things other than songs lol) written during the part 1 of my mid-20s existential crisis 🙃. I can laugh at it now because I’m still ok and I learned to love and let go of that version of myself.
So here it is: available on Kindle/Amazon (ebooks everywhere else available soon). Let me know what you think if you happen to check it out 💜. #theMelancholyDollie #shadowself #thepresenttimeisgold
The Melancholy Dollie is a collection of poems meant to inspire and comfort those who are sifting & shifting through a temporary absence of light in their lives, while adulting - to keep moving towards their own personal rainbows on the other side of it all, no matter how dark the present may seem.