Mantra Muse: The Lighthouse 🔦

Mantra Muse: The Lighthouse 

(aka Music for Capricorns - Lessons for All) 

* is a meditation practice. A session with oneself, to help renew, restore, (re)ignite the light within. Once this is achieved (and it may not always be in one instance) it can be used to help light the way for someone else too. 

For when the darkness (inside and/or out) comes (and it always does), trust that the light can find its way to the surface again and found within.

If you haven’t already - follow me on Bandcamp 🔗 this ep is a collection of songs that have been with for the past 5-6 years that I ended up releasing one at a time over the years. It feels like a completion of an era (for me) but I truly hope brings comfort, inspiration, love, & resilience for you. 

Here’s extra some tools for your mental wellness arsenal 😉 

enjoy 🫶🏾 & repeat as necessary✨

P.S it’s a special day for me so go stream and/or buy one of my songs!!! It’ll be like I’m talking right to your heart 💜 (lol fr though)

Take great care,

~ nd ~

Nadia Danielle